🔮 Our Mission

We allow creators to get funded by their fans, reward their early supporters, and token gate access to their channels - all built for web3 economies.

Think Patreon, but supercharged by web3. We’re building the infrastructure for tokenized creators.

🚀 The Agora Labs Accelerator

Over 3 weeks, you and 29 other awesome creators will learn how you create, manage and launch your own social token. We’ll have weekly workshops, fireside chats with big names in the social token space, and office hours for you to dive even deeper down the web3 rabbit hole. We promise - you won’t regret it!

<aside> ⭐ This is the very first cohort of our accelerator. You’ll be part of a special group of early users who will be helping us shape the product for future creators!


<aside> 💡 We'll help you monetize your potential by creating your own community token and setting up fan rewards!


Week by Week Breakdown

<aside> 🚀 Demo Day: Founders will invest $1000 in top 3 tokens.


You’ll also walk away with...

<aside> ➡️ Here's the truth: making a living from content creation is being revolutionized as we speak. What if you could directly align your success with your fans' success?


You’ll learn how to...

<aside> 🙏 Social tokens = dream capital: everyone has a dream. Social tokens let anyone follow their passions - and make a living from it.



🔥Agora Is Funded by World Class Investors & Blockchains

🌎 Our Investors